Work in Progress

Egerod, Benjamin, Stuckatz, Jan, and Michael Mueller. (2024). Revolvers in the Corporate Elite. Under review.

Heike Klüver, Stuckatz, Jan, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, and Felix Hartmann. (2024). Can Interest Groups Shape Public Opinion? Under review.

Stuckatz, Jan, Jieun Lee. (2024). Multinational Corporation’s Strategic Lobbying Across Borders. Under review.

Heike Klüver, Stuckatz, Jan, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, and Felix Hartmann. (2024). Political Disclosure Rules and Electoral Selection. Working Paper.

Stuckatz, Jan, and Werner, Timothy, and Mogens Justesen. Money in Politics at Work. Working Paper.

Erfort, Cornelius, Felix Hartmann, Jan Stuckatz, and Heike Klüver. 2024. Who becomes a Lobbyist? 

Stuckatz, Jan, Selina Hofstetter, Victor Gay, and Mikkel Dack. Who became a Nazi? A Structured Database of the German Denazification Questionnaires, 1945–1949. Data Collection. [Link to DeNazDB Section of Website]